
FEBUARY 23, 2010


Colheita 1934 Port

For sale in the UK for $307 US

St. Helena, CA - FeSurviving 76 years in a Port bottle, and still ready to please.

As a proud consumer of a delicious, 76 year old Portuguese Colheita 1934 Port, I am happy to anounce __ that I am pleasantly pleased.

Although, a smidgeon past it's prime, non-the-less, this was a delightful honor to have experienced the elegance for the second time in a year. Some of the luster and nobility has soften with time, but to have survived 76 years, and still be enjoyable, is a compliment. Good upbringing, breeds stronger roots and better fruit.

Colheita 1934 Port
$307 US


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